Metatron and the Golden Ray of the Christ Light
Theme ~ Access your Ancient Wisdom
Enter the Sacred Healing Temple of the Archangels
These beautiful live online classes will introduce you to the divine essence of each of the powerful Archangels, their sacred colour flames, symbols and unique healing properties.
You will learn how to work with angelic energies for empowerment, self-healing, to gain insights and guidance about your own journey, and also to help heal the collective and assist our planet during this potent time of great transformation.
You will learn how the angels can be an aspect of your own psyche at a higher level of awareness and will be able to form your own deeply loving and personal relationship with each Archangel. In this way, you will be able to invoke and work directly with their incredible and loving energy whenever you wish.
Each class will include information about a specific angel, a channelled meditation and processes to enhance your connection to the angels and your true divine nature.
You will learn how to embody the angelic qualities so that you become more angelic in your daily life. This will also assist you in manifesting your needs, overcoming obstacles and living a life of fulfillment.
You will also receive a powerful attunement to each Archangel, enabling you to become a direct channel of their healing energy and a custodian of their sacred alchemical fire.