Every human being is unique.

There is one of you, and only one. You are so very special. Each personal healing session with me is totally bespoke and specifically tailored to your individual needs.

These sessions are an alchemical transformative journey.

You will experience powerful shifts in consciousness and feel much more happy, fulfilled and aligned with your soul purpose as a result.

My years of experience as a natural intuitive and trained alternative health therapist mean that I have an extensive holistic healing toolkit – all of the techniques I offer come tried and tested by yours truly, so having seen the amazing results of these modalities in my own life, I know they really work. I have also developed some of my own techniques and ways of working which you will not experience with any other therapist.

Using a combination of ‘mind therapy’ – where we are able clear and transmute any limiting belief patterns, contracts, thoughts and feelings you may be holding on to, as well as cleanse away negative energies, attachments and thought forms – along with powerful but relaxing ‘energy healing’ techniques (Precious Wisdom, Angelic Reiki), it is my aim to provide you with a safe and supportive environment to help bring you back into full alignment, so you can be free of the burdens that are holding you back, unlock your true potential and enjoy life to the fullest.


Some of the areas where I can be of assistance:

  • Enhance your own intuition and spiritual development
  • Boost self-esteem and self-empowerment
  • Improve confidence and motivation
  • Healing relationships
  • Manifest goals and desires
  • Enhance stamina and performance
  • Relieve stress and anxiety
  • Relieve insomnia
  • Healing shock and trauma
  • Pre-and post-natal support
  • Assisting with weight loss and fitness
  • Physical health and wellbeing
  • Alleviate addictions
  • Ease grief and heartbreak
  • Boost energy and vitality
  • Spirit and energy release
  • House and building clearance

What you can explore about yourself:

  • Meet your guides and angels
  • Explore your past lives
  • Work with your higher self
  • Enhance your own psychic gifts and abilities
  • Learn to be a channel
  • Empower yourself and release fears
  • Feel confident to step out of the spiritual closet
  • Unlock your own inner wisdom
  • Discover your life purpose
  • Experience other dimensions and realities

"That was one powerful session. You’re incredible. I don’t even have the words, but thank you!! Sending masses of love and hugs."


"As always, a session with you produces results."


"Thank you for today. It was amazing. So many things you said make perfect sense.  You are such an angel."




Online Face-to-face, Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp or FaceTime consultations are available. 

Some evening appointments are available for international clients. Please email [email protected] if you require an alternate time.

PLEASE NOTE: You will be asked to book in your own time zone, so please be mindful of whether the time you are choosing is AM or PM, or you may accidentally book in the middle of the night. 



  • If you need to rescehdule, please email [email protected].
  • PLEASE NOTE: A 48-hour notice period is required to cancel or change a booking. If you inform me that you wish to cancel or reschedule with less than 48 hours notice, a 50% deposit will be taken. Unfortunately, I do not offer any refunds for missed appointments / no-shows unless it is due to genuine extenuating circumstances (I am always happy to discuss the matter).



'Abundance Alchemy'
Money Matrix Upgrade Sessions

An in-depth personal financial overhaul, where we will deep-dive into your financial blocks, unlock your true personal value and activate your highest wealth timeline.


Session Time: 2 hours
Investment: £250

To book, email:

[email protected]


'Love Alchemy'
Relationship Matrix Upgrade Sessions

An in-depth personal relationships overhaul, where we will deep-dive into any relationship blocks or challenges you may be experiencing to help you enhance your capacity for self-love, increase your sense of self-worth, enhance your inner and outer beauty, and activate the highest potential timeline for your love life, family, friendships and all relationships.


Session Time: 2 hours
Investment: £250

To book, email:

[email protected]


'Systems Alchemy'
Bespoke Business Overhaul Sessions

An in-depth personal and business overhaul, where we will clear blocks to money and abundance, attract your ideal clients, get you into alignment with your highest timeline and purpose and allow your business to run smoothly, beautifully and harmoniously. 

We will look at how your business and purpose fit together, plus how they work within the current paradigm. We will work to upgrade your business to harmonize it with the highest new earth timelines, particularly with regard to money and finance, marketing and advertising, branding and offerings, growth and clientele, and any other areas in which you and your business operate.

We will look at how your personal energy and belief systems affect your business and streamline your system to get it working in the best possible way for you. 


Session Time: Half day (approx 3 hours)
Investment: £380 

To book, email:

[email protected]


If you would like to work with me long-term, I have a limited number of 3 or 6-month mentorships available. 

(Continue scrolling down to book a one-off one-to-one session...)

‘Divine is the new normal’ - 3 or 6-month bespoke personal mentorship package

Hone your gifts and talents

Further your awakening 

Get clear on your purpose and personal offerings 

Discover your perfect audience / client 

Align to your signature blueprint 

Discover your key words and themes for help with marketing your offerings 

Unlock your gifts for writing and storytelling 

Activate your inner power 

Discover your truth 

Deepen into your core desires 

Smooth your transitions 

Align to your purpose 

Embrace your Ascension 

Embody your mastery 

Heal yourself and others 

Learn to channel / connect with your guides 

Tap into your Earth service 

Activate and deepen your psychic abilities and intuition

Also included is any clearing / healing / upgrades needed  

3-month mentorship

Start date: next intake - January, 2025
Group size: individual 
Places available: 4 
Investment: £1,200 for 3 months 
3 x 1.5 hour sessions and 3 x 30 min catch ups sessions (connect every two weeks with additional support and suggested processes in between sessions)
Payment plan: 3 monthly payments of £400

6-month mentorship

Start date: next intake - January, 2025
Group size: individual 
Places available: 4 
£2,400  for 6 months 
6 x 1.5 hour sessions and 6 x 30 min catch ups sessions (connect every two weeks with additional support and suggested processes in between sessions)
Payment plan: 6 monthly payments of £400

To apply, email:
[email protected]


See for yourself ~ explore Alexandra's signature healing technique and its various elements.


This beautiful and powerful healing technique is my baby. I have been channelling this golden energy and the powerful symbols associated with it since early 2012 with the help of Archangel Metatron and Lord Melchizedek…

What is Precious Wisdom Alchemy?

Precious Wisdom(™) is a divine channelled healing system gifted to the world through Alexandra Wenman
by the Archangel Metatron, Lord Melchizedek and the councils of light. This system is here to assist in awakening us to our true power – the power of love. This beautiful healing is the energetic gift of Spiritual Alchemy delivered in the form of ancient sacred symbols and the universal golden ray of Lord Melchizedek.

The symbols used in this system are aligned with the principles of Sacred Geometry and Vortex Mathematics – this is ancient technology which works on combining the two polarising forces of the divine masculine and feminine to open a zero-point vortex of pure love. When applied to any person, place, situation or circumstance, Precious Wisdom opens the field of the highest potential, so that the most perfect outcome may arrive.

Working within this neutralising and harmonising field helps to open you to your soul purpose and align your life to its highest potential. You will find that your own innate extrasensory gifts and higher wisdom will begin to rapidly awaken as a result. Anything that has been hidden in shadow may also begin to surface in order to be healed and integrated. Moving into 5D consciousness is the ultimate transcendence beyond duality and the concepts of light and dark, good and bad etc. Precious Wisdom will support you and accelerate you through the global ascension process, which all of humanity is undergoing at this time. As a collective, we are breaking down the veils of illusion and stepping further into the truth of who we really are as Divine, multidimensional beings housed in physical bodies.

The process can help to balance and harmonise Ascension symptoms and integrate the influx of cosmic energies coming into our planet and our energy fields.

Likewise, Precious Wisdom helps to gently streamline the rising kundalini energy and can neutralise imbalanced and disruptive frequencies, including interference from other people, spirit and external sources, such as geopathic stress, galactic shockwaves, solar storms and EMF. It also helps to offset and transmute 5G radiation.

The energies of this system are very grounding and aligning, and will help you to claim back your power and to follow your own inner truth, so you can live out your highest calling within this lifetime.

Precious Wisdom is a channelled Alchemical Healing system, which attunes you to 8 ancient and powerful symbols to increase your self-awareness, improve your outlook on life and help you rapidly step into your own power.

Like Reiki, the treatment can be done in person or remotely. In person sessions are done with the client lying on a therapy couch or sitting in a chair and the energy is delivered via the healer gently placing their hands on or over the client.

“I could feel the power of this healing energy and a beautiful golden warmth surging through me especially when the symbols were activated by the sounds Alexandra was given. A special technique coming through to help prepare us for the new Golden Age."

international bestselling author, angel and self-help expert



As part of every session, I use my natural intuitive abilities and gift of channelling to deliver helpful messages and advice that will aid you with your healing, empowerment and self-development. The messages are lovingly given by your guides and angels to help you through any situation you may currently be dealing with.

Please note: This is not a fortune-telling reading. I find that fortune-telling or ‘prophesy’ is not empowering for the client and tends to distract from the real work that needs to be done. As a result, these readings and healings are able to help create a deep shift in consciousness and many of my clients have reported experiencing an instant change in their energy, emotions and even their physical reality directly after a session.

"My session with Alexandra was very powerful. Although at the time it seemed very gentle, it led to clearing some very old and deep-rooted patterns that I am very happy to be free of. Thank you, Alexandra."

author of eight books including The Work We Were Born To Do and co-founder of


Clearing Limiting Beliefs, Patterns and Programmes

This process enables you to access any negative or limiting beliefs, thoughts or feelings that may be stored in your unconscious mind and to change them instantly to more positive and uplifting beliefs. When we hold negative or limiting subconscious beliefs or programmes, they can affect our everyday reality by creating ‘blocks’ or keeping us stuck in a situation that we would rather be free of. For example: if you have a limiting belief, such as ‘Money doesn’t grow on trees’ or ‘money is the root of all evil’, then you may be experiencing this as a block to your financial abundance in your physical reality.

Through a process called ‘dowsing’, we are able to ascertain which beliefs need clearing and ensure that they are replaced with more positive and uplifting thoughts, feelings and programmes, so that you can move forward with ease.

"I just had to send you a note to say "WOW" and thank you.  You are such a blessing in my life. I am so grateful for your guidance and support, and of course, the assistance of your spectacular guides in the process. Time takes on strange properties during experiences like this session - was that really 1 hr 30 min? And then it took me over and hour to totally come back to the planet. I was on such a lovely buzz! You have set me on an exciting trajectory, Alexandra, and I am forever grateful."



As part of the Precious Wisdom healing process, I may be called upon by my guides to extract or remove negative energies or trapped emotions. This doesn’t happen in every session – only when it seems necessary for the client.  I have received incredibly positive feedback from the clients I have performed this practice on. These healings can be done in person or online.

"Thank you beyond words – you are beyond human and your work is so needed and almighty powerful. Tonight was super jam packed and looking forward to rising high and seeing what is to be. Thank you as well for taking the time to cover everything. Take care and look forward to seeing you soon!"



Angelic Reiki is a safe, completely natural method of Angelic Healing which can address physical, emotional and mental imbalances and provide healing with spiritual issues. Angelic Reiki aligns you with your higher self and allows the purest angelic healing energies to facilitate balance and promote wellbeing.

Angelic Reiki in-person and distant healing treatments are suitable for anyone, at any age, with any condition. Pregnant women can benefit from treatments. Angelic Reiki can be used alongside orthodox medicine and/or complementary therapies.

Benefits from receiving Angelic Reiki treatments and from learning Angelic Reiki for personal, spiritual and/or professional reasons are many and varied. No two treatments are the same; each provides precisely what best promotes optimum wellbeing for you, on all levels, at that time. And the healing continues for 3 to 4 weeks following the treatment.

Similar to Angelic Reiki, Shambhala Healing is a gentle energy healing method which is designed to create heaven on earth for the client by harnessing the vibration of pure love.

"She’s my utmost favourite... still almost two years later, I look forward to my regular sessions with Alexandra with such zeal!"